I will readily admit that I am NOT the Hair Care Guru. (That's my friend Kristan at Serafino Says.) In fact, when they taught Basic Hair in sixth grade or whenever, I was definitely out sick. On a good day, I look like Raggedy Ann. On a bad day, I look like a roadie for an 80's hair band. (Best line from 2012: "Def Leppard called, they want their hair back.")
But I have to say that even without Kristan's interventions, my hair is looking better, despite my determined neglect and failure to get trims, blowouts, keratin treatments, and my very bad habit of covering my grays with beard & moustache color. Less frizz. Less likelihood of frightening small children. More likely to stay semi-straight for more than ten minutes. Shiny, even.
What predicated this miracle? A mysterious leave-in conditioner called Pure NV BKT One-For-All.
Why mysterious? Because I have no idea how it works so well, and why my ends don't look fried or dried out like they normally do when I use this spray. Or how it causes curls to play together nicely, instead of looking like they came from eight different peoples' heads. Or how it helps me to blow out my own hair, including stubborn cowlicks, previously impossible.
But I have to say that even without Kristan's interventions, my hair is looking better, despite my determined neglect and failure to get trims, blowouts, keratin treatments, and my very bad habit of covering my grays with beard & moustache color. Less frizz. Less likelihood of frightening small children. More likely to stay semi-straight for more than ten minutes. Shiny, even.
What predicated this miracle? A mysterious leave-in conditioner called Pure NV BKT One-For-All.

Hopefully I won't find out in ten years that the price of easily fabulous hair is a hole in my scalp or something, because I am seriously addicted!