There are days when we leap out of bed, looking fabulously fresh as daisies, rosy cheeked, ready to take on the world. In general, New Year's Day is not one of those days. I'll hazard a guess that any number of you woke up looking like me: as if a horde of blackflies attacked your eye areas in the middle of the night. Not a good look.
I almost passed out when I saw myself in the mirror this morning, and wasn't exactly thrilled when J dragged me out to What the hell would be open on New Year's Day in Miami anyway? It turns out that Sephora is open. Or was still open from the night before. Hard to tell. But while J suffered from a fit of Sephora Rage (characterized by actually shoving me out of the way in order to get to the Clarsonic display a nanosecond faster), I wandered over to the Sunday Riley shelf, and picked up a bottle of Start Over. It says 'instantly de-puffs and cooling', so like the zombie I felt myself to be, I obediently patted a bit on under my eyes.
Whoa! This stuff is indeed ACTIVE. My eyes watered a bit and I actually felt a cooling sensation. I looked in the mirror...and....yes, my eyes were pretty much totally de-puffed. In seconds. This deserves a longer review. But not today, because I'm going back to bed.

I almost passed out when I saw myself in the mirror this morning, and wasn't exactly thrilled when J dragged me out to What the hell would be open on New Year's Day in Miami anyway? It turns out that Sephora is open. Or was still open from the night before. Hard to tell. But while J suffered from a fit of Sephora Rage (characterized by actually shoving me out of the way in order to get to the Clarsonic display a nanosecond faster), I wandered over to the Sunday Riley shelf, and picked up a bottle of Start Over. It says 'instantly de-puffs and cooling', so like the zombie I felt myself to be, I obediently patted a bit on under my eyes.
Whoa! This stuff is indeed ACTIVE. My eyes watered a bit and I actually felt a cooling sensation. I looked in the mirror...and....yes, my eyes were pretty much totally de-puffed. In seconds. This deserves a longer review. But not today, because I'm going back to bed.