Monday, September 23, 2013

Lovely and Amazing

There are few places on earth quite as wonderful as French pharmacies.  You don't need a prescription for most medications that you have to jump through three hoops to acquire in the US, the pharmacist will actually give you advice on everything from stomach upsets to cellulite, and they have a glorious bounty of beauty products found nowhere else on earth.

Slimming water! Slimming spray! Slimming bubbles (don't ask)! No, none of those actually work but they do come in lovely bottles with pictures of 14 year olds with perfect bums on the box. At the same time, one can find amazing creams, lotions and oils that do what they promise to do, and then some.

During my most recent trip, I discovered that the evil geniuses at LaRoche (evil because they ship a crap version of their amazing line to the US) have developed an SPF 50 body oil.  And not a greasy, stinky Hawaiian Tropic-y oil either.  No, this oil sinks right in but moisturizes all day, leaves a dewy sheen behind that doesn't stain one's clothes, AND protects one's skin amazingly well.  This alone is worth a trip to the macarons at Gerard Mulot.

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