Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Breaking News

I was at a conference recently, and joy of joys, found a vat of Eos lip balms on a vendor's table.  They were giving me the fish eye, so I could only take one.  I hazarded a guess that yellow would be lemon flavor (the labels on the bottoms require a magnifying glass), grabbed one and ran off.

In the last few years, Eos lip balms seem to have taken over the universe.  They're adorably spherical, which, handily, makes them MUCH easier to find in one's bag.  They come in bright colors and fab flavors.  They're 99% natural.  The best part? They're about $4 each.  Guilt free, you can buy enough to have one in every pocket.

My only wish was that they had SPF.  So imagine my delight when I walked into my local Ricky's, saw an Eos display, and there right at the top, the new lemon flavor trumpeting the addition of sunscreen.  Higher powers meant it to be, so I bought six.  Bonus:  the lid locks firmly into place, keeping sand, pocket lint, and all other gook out, so fear not leaving them wherever.

Sometimes beauty wishes do come true!

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