Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Spring Has Sprung

Finally!  And with spring comes tulips and sun care shibboleths.  My top five, heard just this week......

1) Its cloudy
2) I'm only going to be outside for a half hour
3) My foundation has sunscreen in it
4) Its cold out
5) If I'm going to have all of these wrinkles, I may as well be tan

I think my favorite, in terms of total non-sequitoriousness, would be #4.  But "Its cloudy" gets the top spot due to sheer persistence.  The number of people who believe that clouds double as an umbrella simply can't be counted (tip:  clouds are water.)  The UV rays that burn and cause cancer zip through clouds just like they're.....vaporous water.  On a cloudy day, wear exactly as much sunscreen as you would on a bright, sunny day.

A half hour is plenty of time to get a nasty sunburn.  Even without a sunburn, a half hour a day, say twice a day, over the course of your adult life, adds up to a sh-tload of sun exposure. 

Yes, your foundation may have sunscreen in it, but what kind?  And how much?  Most of the women that I know use just a tiny dab, smaller than the size of a pea, once per day.  Whatever the SPF advertised on the bottle, to get that level of protection, you would have to use a full teaspoonful of foundation on your face and neck.  Worse, using inadequate sun protection may afford a sense of false security, and encourage you to stay out in the sun longer.  (Did I even ask if you reapplied??)

Mom, that last one's for you.  Tan wrinkles are still wrinkles, so use that self tanner I bought you instead.

1 comment:

  1. That's a good article. I used to apply rice flour and honey paste on the face. It is very effective in treating pimples and small spots.

    Best Regards,
    Alison Clarke
